The Body

By Dr.S.T.Nambi

If we ask what exactly is the most important thing in the world, people may come out with varied choices like wealth, power, love, security, success, health, food, water etc. In-fact, the most the most important thing is our body. Because it is the only place where we can reside in this world. All the senses need a body to reside and function. What are we without this body?  It is the question that baffles human kind since the time immemorial. Invariably, all the major religions of the world and sages try to answer this question. Let us avoid this metaphysical dilemma and accept the fact that we are nothing without this body – at least in this world!  

World Health organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. But physical health is a pre-requisite for mental health. Even the great Tamil mystic Thirumoolar accentuates the importance of taking care of the body as follows.

Time was when I despised the body;
But then I saw the God within.
The body I realized is the Lord’s temple;
And so I began preserving it with care infinite

It is really a daunting task to find time to take care of one’s body in today’s demanding work style. Yes, it is difficult but certainly not impossible. Drinking plenty of water, enjoying fresh air and sunshine, nutritious food, moderate exercise and resting adequately will ensure healthy body and mind.

Fresh air helps our immune system to fight off disease more effectively due to healthier white blood cells. It also supplies the immune system with the oxygen it needs to kill and destroy bacteria, viruses and germs. Breathing in stale air will not supply your body with enough oxygen to keep your cells fueled and functioning properly. When brain gets more oxygen, it functions more efficiently resulting in greater clarity and improved concentration.

Life originated in water. It is no wonder that up to 60% of the human adult body is water. Water does more than just quench your thirst and regulate our body's temperature, it protects our tissues, spinal cord, and joints, it helps our body remove waste, it aids in digestion and it keeps our body sufficiently hydrated. Our body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. As the body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water.

Food is the third most essential thing for life after air and water. Food in general consists of carbohydrates, proteins, fats as major components. And minerals, vitamins and trace elements as minor components. All of these components are useful for a living body to sustain health. Make sure that you consume well-balanced food. Avoid junk food.

Our body is meant to be in the sun, and exposure to sunlight is crucial for well being. When natural sunlight hits the skin it triggers the body’s production of vitamin D -the sunshine vitamin. It is a crucial ingredient for overall health; protects against inflammation, lowers high blood pressure, helps muscles, improves brain function and may even protect against cancer. Low levels of vitamin D can cause heart disease, prostate cancer and dementia. . It is advised to get at least 10 -15 minutes of sunlight daily.

Exercising causes the body to produce chemicals such as endorphins that can help a person to feel good. Exercise can help people sleep better. It can also help some people who have mild depression and low self-esteem. Plus, exercise can give people a real sense of accomplishment and pride at having achieved a certain goal. Considering the benefits to the heart, muscles, joints, and mind, it's easy to see why exercise is wise. The great thing about exercise is that it's never too late to start. Choose the right form of exercise for you.

Relaxation rejuvenates your body and mind, regulates your mood, and is linked to learning and memory function. On the other hand, not getting enough rest can negatively affect your mood, immune system, memory, and stress level. Relaxation isn't only about resting your body—resting your mind is just as important.

Take care of the body because that is the one and only place you can reside. 


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