Imposter Syndrome: The Paradox of Achievement

By Dr.J.J.Savithri If someone were to say you are not good enough, your presentation will be a disaster and everyone will know who you are, you might consider it abusive and might get upset. However 7 out of 10 do this to ourselves, we engage in such belittling self talk. We feel insecure, inadequate and have self doubts. We are experiencing Imposter Syndrome. What is Imposter Syndrome It means to believe that you are not as competent as other perceive you to be. Most people experiencing imposterism suffer in silence and are afraid that that would be found out. Though there is no official diagnosis listed in the DSM, it is real. Psychologists Suzanna Imes and Pauline Rose Clance were the first to use this term and believed this was unique to women, specially the high achievers. Research later revealed it is experience by both men and women. Symptoms Lack of self awareness Self doubt Feeling of Inadequacy External locus of control Disowning success Underrating performanc...